When performances of the Messiah were at their height in London in 1784, a series of sermons were being given in a London Parish Church…
The Bible tells us that when Jesus returns, he will create the new heavens and the new earth. But what will they be like? As we study what Scripture says, we can see they will be similar but different.
We’re called to live Christlike lives of grace, which follow in our Saviour’s footsteps. But how can we be guided into a life of service in the Church?
Repentance is a lifelong part of the true Christian life. It’s a turning from the horror of sin, to the love of a Saviour.
When Christ came to earth, he not only affirmed the necessity of the Sabbath, but its blessing. In a busy world, God has blessed us with a day to rest & be spiritually refreshed.
Tommy Toye was an unconventional and almost eccentric man in his everyday living, but the Lord used him. He was deeply committed to prayer. Do we want to see God at work in salvation? Do we long to see our land transformed and changed by a mighty outpouring of the Spirit of God? Then maybe, like Tommy Toye, we need to spend whole nights upon our knees.
When we face the truth about ourselves as God sees us, then we can be truly liberated. He himself promises, on the basis of who he is and what he has done through his life, death and resurrection, to liberate those who trust in him from the guilt and power of sin
The Gospel calls us to forgive those who have wronged us personally. As God’s love has forgiven us, so we must forgive others.
The eternal reward earned by Christ is not kept hidden away in a heavenly trophy cabinet, out of reach to us. Rather, Jesus shares his reward with all of his people. In a very real and tangible way, Christ’s people will forever share in the reward that he alone has earned.
Sometimes we imagine evangelism to be a very complicated thing. We feel inadequate to give a full-orbed defence of the gospel, to answer lots of questions, or to explain Scriptural truths. But perhaps all we need to say is ‘would you like to come to church with me?’
The great God of heaven, the Ruler of all things, thinks about little us. And in Christ, God’s thoughts about us, are good thoughts.
How do we live faithfully for God in a land which no longer apathetically ignores us, but aggresively pursues us?
A poem on the conversion of Nebuchadnezzar.