Abundant Life


I want to begin by asking you a question. Who has the better life, the Christian or the non-Christian? Who gets the better deal? Who enjoys life the most? Who has the richer experience? Who lives life to the full? What do you think?

Well, in the minds of most non-Christians the answer is easy. Most non-Christians would probably say they have the better life. They enjoy a fuller, richer life than those who follow Christ. And perhaps, secretly, not a few professing Christians believe there is an element of truth in this, in the sense that non-Christians have more fun. But what do you think?   

If you’re not sure, let’s allow Jesus to answer the question. Talking about his followers, he says, “I came that they might have life, and have it abundantly” (John 10:10). So according to Christ the abundant life belongs to the Christian. Now if you’re not convinced, let me give you three reasons why  this is true, which I have borrowed from Jonathan Edwards.  


Firstly, Christians enjoy this world at a deeper, richer level.  Now if you are not a Christian, you might ask, “Aren’t Christians supposed to be other-worldly?” Well, certainly at times Christianity has given that impression, but it’s not the Bible’s position. Let me give you a few reasons. Firstly, Christians know this is their Father’s world. Christians know the world isn’t here by chance. They know God made it (Ps. 19:1). In fact, they know this world was made by, through, and for Christ (Col. 1:17). Secondly, Christians know the things of this world express their Father’s love. Whenever Christians sit down to a meal, they give thanks, because they know their food is an expression of God’s goodness and love (Acts 14:17).  Thirdly, Christians see greater realities in the things of this world. They see the wisdom, power, and divinity of God in creation (Rom. 1:20). They see God’s guiding hand in the world (Ps. 104:10-30), and they see lessons about God all around them. Jesus once used flowers and birds to show God cares (Matt. 6:25-33). Recently, there was a video on the internet where a man who is colour blind was given glasses that enable him to see the world as it really is, with the full spectrum of colours. This is what it is like becoming a Christian. Suddenly, you start seeing things you never saw before.


Secondly, Christians live life in the light of Gospel realities. Let me highlight three. Firstly, Christians know they are right with God. That might sound rather arrogant, but the Gospel is all about God’s grace to the undeserving. And through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus, God offers a full and free salvation to all who believe. Paul says, ‘Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ’ (Rom. 5:1). Secondly, Christians know God has a purpose for their lives. God’s great goal is conform us to the image of his Son (Rom. 8:29), and with this in mind, he ‘causes all things to work together for good to those who love God’ (Rom. 8:28). So whatever happens, however strange or difficult, everything is intended for the Christian’s ultimate good. Thirdly, Christians know that God cares for them. We have already seen how God expresses his love through meeting our material and spiritual needs. But Christians also have the comfort of knowing they are the objects of God’s loving care. He carries them (Isa. 46:3-4), watches over them (Ps. 121:4), and is their safe place in difficult times (Ps. 18:2).


Thirdly, Christians live in the light of future glories. Paul says, ‘For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us’ (Rom. 8:18). You see, there is a glory to come for the Christian, and that reality changes everything. Why is it that many people enjoy the things of this world to excess? They do so because they think this is the only life. But Christians have a different perspective. Yes, they enjoy this world, but they do so in moderation, because they know the best is yet to come.

Now we started with a question. Who has the better life? Who enjoys a richer, deeper, more abundant life? Well, clearly it’s the Christian. They enjoy the things of this world at a deeper level, they live in the light of gospel realities, and they are looking forward to future glories. What a life! And friend, this life can be yours  through faith in Jesus Christ.

Andrew Lucas

Andrew was born in London. Grew up in Milton Keynes. Studied in Wales, and has ben Minister of Omagh EPC since 2007.


Centenary Celebrations (Part Two)


Trials of various kinds