Contagious Graces
THROWBACK THURSDAYS: Every Thursday, we plan to publish an old article written in our denomination’s magazine, The Evangelical Presbyterian. The purpose is to connect us to our history, as we recall God’s faithfulness to us over many years. This week’s article is from 2002 and was written by Rev Stephen Atkinson. Stephen served as the Minister of Richhill EPC from 1997-2000 and Knock EPC from 2001-2004. He now serves as the Director of Christian Witness to Israel in North America, and is an ordained Minister within the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA).
It is sometimes said, “Smile, and the world will smile with you”. The suggestion is that something as simple as smiling might just be contagious. And if truth be told, in many instances it works. A positive attitude coming from a beaming, inspirational character can enthuse a whole body of people. Businesses will spend thousands on motivating middle management by such contagious means. Teachers that are passionate about their subject can infectiously enthuse their pupils.
But does it work within the church? By that I mean, is our renewed nature something that should rub off on someone else, in such a way as to be contagious? If a smile is contagious, what about love, joy and kindness?
When our Lord graced his followers with such elevated titles as the “light of the world” and the “salt of the earth”, it was not that we might remain as a light bulb in a box under the stairs, or in a rock salt jar in the cabinet. Light, by its very nature, shines upon everything with which it comes into contact. Salt, likewise, has a purifying and preserving influence upon all it touches.
Our Christian graces and fruit of the Spirit, are not contagious in the sense that we can have a Midas touch upon every unbeliever infecting them with new birth, but they are contagious in the sense that they are often used, in the Lord’s providence, in the divine saving activity as a savour of life.
When we are called upon to “Let your light shine”, it is that “they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matt.5:16). When we are called to “do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith” (Gal.6:10), it is for contagious purposes, and the spiritual beautifying of the corporate Bride of Christ.
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.”
What would our churches be like if there was an epidemic of apologies? How different would they be if there was an upsurge in a highly infectious disease called humility? What would our worship be like if we contagiously displayed the reality of the second fruit of the Spirit, joy?
And what of liberality, generosity, transparent kindness, and sacrificial care for bruised reeds? Or dedication, commitment, dutiful service, matched by a sanctified tongue and a spiritually mature wisdom ever ready to advise, but not demand? Have you not known these things to be contagious?
If a smile can be contagious, surely we should be more encouraged to display some of these contagious graces!